#TheSuperMoms Subhashree Ganguly: With Yuvaan on my lap, all I can think is a world filled with happiness – Times of India

A mother knows best! There are so many celebrities who are proud to be doting moms to their adorable little ones. While balancing careers in showbiz, these ladies are raising or have raised their children striking the right balance between work and personal life and making it look all too easy. ETimes, now, brings you a new series #TheSuperMoms raising a toast to all those celebrity moms out there.

In this week’s brand new episode, ETimes speaks to actress Subhahsree Ganguly who juggles between her motherhood and professional duties with equal determination and passion. In a candid chat, the doting mother shares how exciting, life-changing and, at times, memorable adventure her motherhood has been in the past few years.

Has motherhood changed your life significantly?
It was my biggest dream to be a mother. I always dreamed of becoming a doting mother and always felt I was born to embrace motherhood. So when my pregnancy was confirmed in 2019, suddenly all those burdens just got vanished from my life. The experience was magical. Just imagine the two hearts beating together and the blood flowing together. I can’t express in words how beautiful it felt and now, when I see Yuvaan growing up so fast I just sit back and enjoy every moment with him.

How do you juggle between motherhood and professional life?

It will be difficult if you plan too much and think about how you will handle all the responsibilities. I believe if someone wants to handle both sides she will try her best and that effort will soon become effortless multitasking with time. I think this is not too difficult. Women have always been multitaskers. A mother doesn’t think for once that she gave enough time to her kids. If a mother spends 5 minutes extra in washroom a guilty feeling comes. And I am not just a mother – I am someone’s wife, someone’s daughter and someone’s daughter-in-law. So, if I want I will handle all the responsibilities effortlessly.

How did you handle post-pregnancy online trolls?

See, there are many actresses who have been criticized on social media for post-pregnancy weight gain. I am not an exception. It happened to me as well. I faced so many harsh comments because of post-pregnancy weight gain. Sadly, more than men, these comments came from women as well. I was a baby nourishing mother and consciously didn’t hit the gym until my doctors gave me permission. I was trolled for gaining body weight. But I stayed quiet and worked on my fitness only after speaking to my doctor. With intense workout and proper diet, I managed to lose some weight. At first, these comments used to hurt me but soon I realized it is better to ignore such negativities. Both I and Raj are positive persons, so we decided not to get depressed with the trolling.


In all these years of acting career what lessons you have acquired?

It’s been a beautiful and fulfilling journey so far. There have been ups and downs but the failures have taught me what success couldn’t. I am an avid learner and still learning from the industry looking for the positive sides. I believe the fame we celebrities enjoy is temporary and the life beyond showbiz is not a cinema. So, I have always kept in mind that I can’t let success and adulation get into my head. With Yuvaan in our life now, the perspectives have changed completely. With motherhood, I have become more mature than ever.

What made you say yes to your latest release ‘Habji Gabji’? Did you relate to the story because you are a working mother as well?

The tight script grabbed my attention. Being an artist, I always look to create a new character and Ahana in ‘Habji Gabji’ is one such special character which will stay in my heart forever. She is a working mother who wishes to give her child a secure life. I went through the script repeatedly, so that any kind of improvisation on the set doesn’t make me nervous. If you read the script well, it becomes easier for any actor to work around the character.


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