Bollywood celebrities have also taken to their Instagram handles to wish the birthday girl. Now, the actress took to her Instagram handle to share a video, giving a glimpse of how she rang on her birthday.
In the video, we can see Karisma blowing out her birthday candles and posing with the birthday cake. She was also seen striking a pose with her pooch.
Sharing the video, Karisma wrote, “Pajamas + Cake = ❤️
#aboutlastnight #birthdayvibes”
Check out the video below:
Meanwhile, Karisma’s sister Kareena Kapoor wished the birthday girl by posting a throwback picture. She captioned the picture as “To the pride of our family …❤️This is my most favourite picture of you ❤️
Aaj Sab bolo
Happy birthday to our LoLo🤩🤩😍😍♥️
#just the best sister ever…