The Marvel film that released on Thursday, has been declared a HIT by trade experts as it hammered past the Rs 70 crore mark on its first Monday. According to reports on, the film saw a 55% drop in collection on Monday, which was the lowest collection out of its extended four-day weekend. The film added an estimated Rs 5.25 crore nett to its kitty, thus taking its overall total to an estimated Rs 70 crore nett.
Trade experts predict that the film will earn an estimated Rs 82-83 crore nett by the end of its first week. Despite the drop, the film is expected to continue to earn well over the week and is also touted to dominate the box office again next weekend.
The superhero film led by Chris Hemsworth and Christian Bale, netted Rs 65 crore domestically (Rs 83.61 crore minus GST) in the first four days of its theatrical run.
‘Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness’ emerged as one of the highest-earning Hollywood releases in India this year with a collection of over Rs 132 crore nett. While it is certain that ‘Thor’ will cross the 100 crore mark, it remains to be seen if it can beat Benedict Cumberbatch‘s ‘Doctor Strange’ sequel.
The Indian box-office numbers for ‘Thor’, incidentally, mirrored those of the United States, where the film raked in $143 million in its opening weekend, making it the third most profitable release after ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ ($187.4 million) and ‘Jurassic World Dominion’ ($145 million).