New Delhi: Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan`s latest picture with his stunt double from the sets of Ayan Mukerji`s sci-fi action film `Brahmastra Part-1: Shiva` is currently getting viral on social media. Taking to Instagram, Shah Rukh Khan`s stunt double, Hasit Savani shared the picture which he captioned, “A real pleasure to be the stunt double for the legend, Shah Rukh Khan, for his cameo sequence in Bollywood film Brahmastra.”
In the picture, the `Don` actor could be seen posing with Hasit in his `Brahmastra` look on the film sets. Shah Rukh Khan`s cameo role in `Brahmastra` gathered a lot of appreciation from the netizens. The actor was seen playing the role of a scientist, Mohan Bhargav, in the sci-fi action film, who was the keeper of ‘Vanar Astra’. Soon after the stunt double shared the picture, SRK`s fans swamped the comment section with fire and red heart emoticons. “We love you Shah Rukh Khan,” a fan commented. Another fan wrote, “King khan.”
Take a look at the picture –
Helmed by Ayan Mukerji, the film starred Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy and south actor Nagarjuna in the lead roles. As per trade reports, the sci-fi action film collected over Rs 100 crores at the box office in India, after three days of its release, which is the highest first-week collection by any Hindi film this year. Globally, `Brahmastra` collected Rs 300 crores at the box office gross in its first week of release.
Meanwhile, the `Baazigar` actor will be making his big Bollywood comeback after four years with an action thriller film `Pathaan` alongside Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. Helmed by Siddharth Anand, the film is among the most awaited films and is slated to hit the theatres on January 25, 2023.
Apart from that, he will be also seen in Rajkumar Hirani`s upcoming film `Dunki` alongside Taapsee Pannu and in south director Atlee`s upcoming action thriller film `Jawan` opposite south actor Nayanthara, which is all set to hit the theatres on June 2, 2023.