The makers were reportedly in touch with Koli’s family after they got to know about his cancer diagnosis and had even extended financial help for his treatment. Rahul’s doctors reportedly gave his health updates to director Pan Nalin. A source informed hindustantimes that the team is planning to set up a trust fund in Rahul Kohli’s memory so that his family gets some money while also providing help to other kids for blood cancer treatment and bone marrow transplant. Rahul Koli’s final 13
th day rights will be performed on October 14, when ‘Chhello Show’ (The Last Film Show) is scheduled to hit the screens.
Ramu Koli, his father, told TOI, “On Sunday, October 2, he had his breakfast and then after repeated bouts of fever in the following hours, Rahul vomited blood thrice and just like that my child was no more. Our family is devastated. But we will watch his ‘last film show’ together on the release day on October 14 after we perform his final purification rituals.” While Pan Nalin had told TOI, “We have been with the family looking after Rahul for weeks but in the end, he could not be saved.”