After making a notable debut, the actor’s career took a long pause before the OTT space rebooted it. Rajat, who has been part of web shows such as Love, Lust and Confusion, Girl In The City and Hey Prabhu! adds, “The industry is very different now,” reasons the actor, adding, “Earlier, producers were not ready to invest as much money on a newcomer, who was all of 21. It was less about a story and more about the actor. People have now begun to focus on content. Makers want to experiment and work with newer actors. It’s the perfect time to be an actor. In these years, I don’t feel that I’ve lost anything. These years only prepared me better, so I can take on more work and deliver some promising performances. I was offered some work, but I turned it all down because it didn’t work for me. If I had become successful 10 years ago, I probably would have lost myself about five years after that. Things are in an upswing now, probably because I can now handle it. I’m excited about the project I’ve recently completed. I’ve worked on a few web shows and I wanted to get back to films, which is also gradually taking shape. I just hope people like what I deliver.”