New Delhi: Last night, many known faces from the Bollywood industry were spotted attending Kajal Anand’s birthday bash. Rani Mukerji, Gauri Khan, Ananya Panday, Suhana Khan and many others were seen looking glam while posing for the paps before the party. The alleged new couple of b-town are SRK’s daughter Suhana Khan and Shweta Bachchan’s son Agastya Nanda was seen attending the bash together.
The star kids have been rumoured to be dating for a while now. Having said that, the new sweethearts of the industry were recently spotted attending a birthday bash in town. Suhana’s mom Gauri Khan was also spotted at the bash. Agastya made an entrance with her sister Navya and mom Shweta Bachchan at the venue. The Archies actor was seen blushing while she saw the paps, she didn’t pose to avoid questions too.
Other celebrities who attended the star-studded bash were Rani Mukerji, Ananya Panday, Shanaya Kapoor, Khushi Kapoor, Karan Johar and many others.
Rumours are rife about Suhana and Agastya’s alleged romance. The duo is set to make their acting debut with Zoya Akhtar’s ‘The Archies.’ They were earlier seen together at Khushi Kapoor’s Christmas bash last year.
Meanwhile, ‘The Archies’ will also mark the debut of Boney Kapoor’s younger daughter Khushi Kapoor. Apart from them, the film also stars Dot, Mihir Ahuja and Vedang Raina.