Manoj Bajpayee, who is one of the most powerful actors of today, recently visited his hometown in Belwa Bahuari, Bihar. There, he reminisced about the good old days, while also talking about his new movie Gulmohar. The 53-year-old said that in a bid to find work and earn money, we all move out of our ancestral homes at some point. Adding that this house of his must be around 45 years old, the actor said that it is extremely nostalgic to return to his roots.
A trip down memory lane with @BajpayeeManoj to remind us that home is where the heart is.❤️Gulmohar – only on…
— Star Studios (@starstudios_) 1677220659000
Manoj then gives us a view of his house, showing the area where his mother used to make and store sweets and curd, that the actor stole and devoured when she was not around. He also showed a few other areas of his house, explaining what has been partially restored and what remains as it was before. He is also seen doing a puja in his ancestral house.
The Kaun? actor then talks about Gulmohar, that is extremely close to his heart as it is a moving tale of a family, headed by a matriarch, who has decided to sell their ancestral home. Manoj signed off by saying that the heartwarming saga will appeal to everyone.
Gulmohar co-stars Sharmila Tagore, Suraj Sharma, Simran and Amol Palekar. Directed by Rahul V. Chittella, it will stream on a leading OTT platform from March 3.