Women’s Day Special! Patralekhaa: Pay disparity is a reality and it’s unfair – Times of India

Patralekhaa draws great inspiration from two important women in her life, her mother and grandmother. On the occasion of Women’s Day, the actress spoke about how she looks up to them and shared her views on online trolling and pay disparity. Excerpts:

If you have to name two women who have inspired your life, who would they be?

My mom and my grandmother. My mom is very strong, I have seen her wade through really bad situations in life but she has just held her head up and walked through it. That inspires me. Also my grandmother because she got married when she was 14 and she had her first son and then she started educating herself along with her son. Both of them actually finished their 12th together! So that is so inspiring.

Your take on pay disparity that is faced by women across professional fields?
Pay disparity is a reality and it is just unfair. Why should we be paid less when we are putting in equal amount of hardwork, especially if the role is also equal. I think there shouldn’t be a disparity but that is really tough.

Do you feel women are more prone to online trolling?

Yes, ofcourse! I feel it is always easier for others to point fingers at a girl. Very rarely do we see men getting trolled.

One thing you would change about the world for women, if you could?
Make it a safer place for women!

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