Jacqueline had also attended the pre-Oscar party for the South-Asian community hosted by Priyanka Chopra. Jacqueline has dropped some pictures now in a gorgeous black net dress in which she looks stunning. The actress wrote, “At the Annual Academy Award Viewing party to benefit the @eltonjohn AIDS foundation! #oscars2023 congrats to all the winners!!! ❤️”
Netizens showered a lot of love on her for this look. Earlier the actress dropped some pictures in a navy blue pant suit from her pre-Oscar dinner with the team of ‘Tell It Like A Woman’.
On work front, it has been announced recently that Jacqueline will be a part of Sonu Sood’s ‘Fateh’. She was also seen in a cameo in a song from ‘Selfiee’ alongside Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi.
The actress had been in news lately for her alleged relationship with Sukesh Chandrasekhar who is involved in the 200 crore money laundering case. While Jacqueline has denied relationship with him, the conman has maintained that they were in a relationship with no monetary benefits involved. He recently wrote a letter to her from Jail during Holi and promised that he would bring back colours into her life.