New Delhi: Bollywood actor Ananya Panday’s cousin Alanna Panday tied the knot with her longtime boyfriend Ivor McCray on Thursday in the presence of family and friends in Mumbai. Her wedding ceremony saw in attendance several big names from the film fraternity including names like Shah Rukh Khan, Salma Khan, Helen, Bobby Deol, Alvira Khan, Atul Agnihotri, Shibani Dandekar, VJ Anusha Dandekar, Farhan Akhtar, Sonakshi Sinha, Shanaya Kapoor among others.
Several photos and videos from the wedding ceremony have surfaced on the internet and have gone viral so far. We saw Ananya Panday taking over the dance floor with her father and veteran actor Chunky Panday to the beats of ‘Saat Samundar’ song. We also came across videos of her cousin Ahaan Panday grooving to the beats of ‘I Am The Best ‘ while Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan watched among the audience.
Now, a fresh video from the ceremony has emerged where Bollywood King Khan is seen grooving with his wife and film producer Gauri on the dance floor.
“I Promise to Build a New World,
for us two, with You in the Middle” __#ShahRukhKhan #GauriKhan
— Shah Rukh Khan Warriors FAN Club (@TeamSRKWarriors) March 18, 2023
Shah Rukh and Gauri danced to AP Dhillon’s Dil Nu with Alanna’s mother Deanne Panday. The three also held hands and danced in a circle at one point. Ananya Panday and others were also seen dancing in the background. Earlier, a video of Shah Rukh and Gauri watching Alanna’s brother Ahaan Panday and Karan Mehta performing to the song ‘I Am the Best’ from his 1997 movie ‘Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani’ was also shared online.
Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan are friends with Alanna’s parents Chikki and Deanne Panday as well as her uncle, actor Chunky Panday, and wife and reality TV personality Bhavana Pandey. Shah Rukh’s daughter Suhana Khan and Chunky-Bhavana’s daughter Ananya Panday are childhood friends and are often spotted hanging out together. Suhana was spotted at Alanna’s pre-wedding festivities in Mumbai. She came dressed in a beautiful glittery saree at the event.
Ananya Panday and daddy dearest Chunky Pandey dancing to “Saath Samundar Paar” is the best thing on internet today!!!#AnanyaPanday #chunkypandey #awesometv
— Awesome TV (@awesomeitv) March 18, 2023
Alanna and Ivor married on March 16 in the presence of family and friends in Mumbai. Ivor and Alanna dated for quite many years before they decided on tying the knot. They have a YouTube channel together and live in Los Angeles, USA. They have a great number of followers on social media and regularly share updates with their fans.
Speaking of Shah Rukh Khan, he will be seen next in Atlee’s Jawan and Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki. The actor also has a cameo in Salaman Khan-Katrina Kaif starrer actioner ‘Tiger 3’.