During a film’s promotion with Sidharth Malhotra, Parineeti was asked about the celebrities that she would choose as her life partner. After mentioning Hollywood actor Brad Pitt, Parineeti was asked about politicians during the rapid fire round. To which, she had replied, “The problem is I don’t want to marry any politician. There are too many good options but I don’t want to marry any politician ever.”
She then went on to share the qualities she was looking for in an ideal partner. “He should be funny, he should smell really good and he should respect me,” she had said. “My love for travel, love for water, the ocean, diving, whatever, and they should just be a self-made person. I love men who have self-worth, who have made their lives themselves,” she added.
Talking about their airport spotting, Parineeti was dressed in all-black outfit while Raghav was seen in a beige-coloured shirt and denim. Raghav smiled at the paps but the two refused to pose for them. Parineeti, however, obliged to a fan’s request for a selfie. They left the airport in the same car. A few days back, Raghav also came to pick up Parineeti at the Delhi airport.
Though Parineetia and Raghav have remained tight-lipped about their relationship, Aam Aadmi Party leader Sanjeev Arora and Punjabi singer and actor Harrdy Sandhu have already congratulated the couple on their union.
According to the reports, Parineeti and Raghav studied together at the London School of Economics and have been friends for a long time now. They also follow each other on Instagram.