Shekhar Suman: Adhyayan’s career was thwarted because a cabal wanted their people to succeed – Exclusive – Times of India

Shekhar Suman‘s strong words in support of Priyanka Chopra, when she spoke about being “pushed in a corner” resonated with a lot of people. In a tweet, Shekhar had said, “I know of atleast four people in the industry who have ganged up to have me and Adhyayan removed from many projects. I know it for sure. These ‘gangsters’ have a lot of clout and they are more dangerous than a rattle snake. But the truth is they can create hurdles but they cannot stop us.”

ETimes reached out to Shekhar Suman to record his full view on the matter of gangs and camps in Bollywood. Suman reveals how a cabal tried to thwart his son, Adhyayan’s career, but eventually his talent held him in good stead. He also recalled how late Sushant Singh Rajput suffered similarly in his career, too. Read on to discover some frank talk.

You recently came out in support of Priyanka Chopra Jonas’ claims that she was pushed into a corner. You also revealed that you and your son Adhyayan experienced similar challenges through your career. When a star of the stature of Priyanka comes forward and shares such experiences does it allow others to speak up as well?

I think so. Priyanka has already led the way and there are a lot of other people who have talked about it now and before during Sushant Singh Rajput’s mysterious murder.

We have talked about this clique that functions within the film industry. It’s almost like the Mafioso who control everything in terms of production, casting, everything. They cast from within their clique. If they see outsiders coming in and racing ahead then they make sure that they’re stumped. That has been going on for some time now. Sushant was a victim of that. Despite doing well, suddenly he felt that his flourishing career had suddenly come to a halt. Probably that led to his depression.

It has not come across as a shocker when Priyanka has revealed this. She was brave enough to say these things. And if it can happen to Priyanka then it can happen to anyone. Despite being a Miss World and a successful actress, she can be pushed to a corner and feel completely helpless that she was not being cast. It’s a different matter that she was lucky to go abroad after her music video with Pitbull and then she was picked up for Quantico. But it may not happen with everyone.

It’s usually the newcomers or those struggling for a long time, who actually experience the challenging side of the film industry. And it’s most difficult for them to speak out since their career prospects might get hindered. Do you agree?

The fact that all of us have come out and spoken about it has created a space for newcomers to come and share their opinions freely without being scared. Because there are people who are willing to understand them and stand by their side. It’s a good thing that this has happened. And people should go out and speak about it.

There are a lot of things that are prevalent but nobody is willing to talk about them. So, it’s a good thing. The #MeToo movement that people spoke about so much was a start as well.

If a known and established personality like Priyanka Chopra or Shekhar Suman struggle to get quality opportunities, does that create an intimidating proposition for newcomers?

I don’t think so. To each his own. I think everyone has to fight his/her own battle. I really don’t know what kind of equation Priyanka shared with the rest of the industry. You have to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. You have to tread very carefully and diplomatically. You have to become a part of the clique but otherwise, it does get difficult. But if you just get lucky then you’ll go ahead. Chances are that the people who have formed a clique will try and stop you. But that should not deter newcomers. I think the space is wide enough and the field is open. And one should fight it out with all his/her might.

In case an actor finds themselves out of favour with their career opportunities dwindling, what other options can they consider for a career pivot?

Within India, you have a lot of options with the OTT platforms that have opened up. That’s a good alternative. You can do web series, TV shows, and a hell lot of other things. There are other international avenues than Hollywood. Once you start working outside, you get your independence.

Does Bollywood’s clique have any influence on the opportunities in the world of OTT platforms?

There’s some interference in the OTT world as well. They have cornered the best production houses. They have a say there too. When you become powerful in one place, you sort of permeate through others. Now, they see that it’s a profitable platform, so they have moved in here too. It’s just a matter of time before they’ll capture the whole market. They have done that. I was told that even if you have the best subject, it would not go through because this clique has taken up all the slots. They have a certain number of projects lined up for a year. If just 4-5 people from this clique manage all the slots then others are left with no choice at all. It’s unfortunate but there would still be scope for people to kind of get work. Maybe not the kind of work they expect but they cannot stop everybody from working.

There were people who were working against me but that hasn’t stopped me from being successful. You lose out on a lot of stuff, maybe 50 percent of work. But the other 50 percent that you get based on your sheer merit, nobody can stop you from getting that.

Do you think your outspoken nature has affected Adhyayan’s career?

Yes, I think so. I didn’t necessarily speak against anybody but about somebody. People tend to be very sensitive about these things for reasons best known to them. They will take umbrage to something which is public perception. I am just forwarding that public perception on a national network or media. And that’s why, since they couldn’t harm me, they tried to harm him. I know for a fact that in many productions for which Adhyayan was considered, he was suddenly dropped. I got to the bottom of it and discovered that there were a lot of people operating and they had given a stricture that ‘don’t take him’.

Shekhar and Adhyayan

Because Adhyayan rose to fame with Raaz, I found out that there was a concerted effort against him. If I remember right, The Times of India had predicted that among the five future superstars, Adhyayan would be one. But it was thwarted because there was a whole cabal working and they wanted their people to go forward. And that’s why he stumbled because they created a lot of roadblocks. He fought it out and now he has been signed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and a lot of others are showing interest. Eventually, you cannot stop talent. You can try to thwart a talent but it will rise up.

Is it difficult for an artiste who has quit Bollywood, to make a successful comeback?

I don’t think so. In today’s times, people are working here and in Hollywood, too. It’s a sort of symbiotic equation now. Priyanka has gone to Hollywood and has come back and worked here. Freida Pinto will be accepted whenever she decides to come back to India. Whenever you are internationally acclaimed, you stand an even better chance to come back into the film industry and get accepted, unless you have crossed swords with others. Then the clique will suddenly become operative. Priyanka was actually bullied out and sort of literally asked to leave. She could have survived but if the top-notch producers and projects refused to have anything to do with her then she was not the kind who would probably settle for anything less or mediocre. So, she decided to kind of try her hand out in Hollywood. Luckily, she succeeded. Bollywood’s loss is Hollywood’s gain.

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