Actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently wrapped up her work commitments and took a break from work to focus on her personal life and health issues. While the actress has been relaxing in her own comfort zone, it seems she has found her “powerful source of strength” in nothing, but simply meditation. She recently took to Instagram and shared glimpses from her meditation session in the presence of popular spiritual figure Sadhguru in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. In the pictures, Samantha can be seen at peace as she meditates with the others in the crowd.
The pictures are from Isha Foundation, Sadhguru’s Ashram in Coimbatore where Samantha Ruth Prabhu seems to have flown down to recharge and replenish her inner spirits.
This comes at a time when Samantha Ruth Prabhu has been battling with a rare autoimmune condition called myositis for a very long time and continued making headlines for her changing health conditions. She recently wrapped up the shoot of her upcoming project, Citadel, and took off some time for herself.
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Samantha Ruth Prabhu Indulges In Meditation
Taking to her Instagram handle, Samantha Ruth Prabhu shared a bunch of pictures from her visit to the ashram in the southern state. While the first picture shows Sadhguru on the stage with Samantha in the audience, the following ones show the actress meditating.
She also shared videos of the scenic beauty of Coimbatore including glimpses of nature.
Stating that sitting still without “twitching, itching, twisting and turning” of thoughts seemed almost impossible, Samantha Ruth Prabhu added that the “meditative state happened to be her most powerful source of strength.”
“A while ago, sitting still—without thoughts flooding, without twitching, itching, twisting and turning—seemed almost impossible. But today, a meditative state is my most powerful source of strength. Of calm. Of connection. And of clarity. Who would have thought that something so simple could be so powerful,” Samantha Ruth Prabhu wrote.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s Work Front
Last seen in Shaakunthalam, Samantha Ruth Prabhu will be next seen in Kushi, her upcoming Telugu film, with actor Vijay Deverakonda. She also wrapped up the shoot of the Indian version of Citadel.