Stress for the makers of Oh My God 2 starring Akshay Kumar, Pankaj Tripathi and Yami Gautam just doesn’t seem to end. On 13th of July, the examining committee of Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) referred the Akshay Kumar-starrer to the Revising Committee (RC) due to its content. The makers are running against time as the film is scheduled to release on 11th August and they want to kickstart the promotion of the film with the trailer.
Aa per a report by Bollywood Hungama, it is being said that the revising committee has suggested 20 cuts that include audio and video which the makers are not comfortable with. In fact it is also being reported that the Revising Committee has suggested the makers take an ‘ Adults Only” certification for the film.
The report also suggests that the makers are neither happy with the cuts as that will affect the essence of the film, nor are they happy with the “A” certificate as they feel the topic of sex education should be seen by people of all ages. Also, the first part, OMG: Oh My God (2012) starring Paresh Rawal was also very popular with kids.
OMG 2 clashes with Gadar 2 on 11th August.