According to a report in India Today, Sukesh Chandrashekhar has shared a heartfelt message with Jacqueline Fernandez as the nine-day festival of Navratri commences. In his message, he affectionately referred to the actress as his “tigress” and expressed his intention to fast for all nine days, seeking her well-being and aiming to dispel any negativity in their lives.
He wrote in the letter, “Baby firstly you were looking super hot and pretty at the ‘Doha Show’.
Baby there is no one prettier than you, my Bomma. Baby as Navrathri is commencing from tomorrow, I am for the first time in my life gonna fast all the 9 days for ‘your well-being’ and mainly to ward away all the negativity around us. With Ma Shakthis devine intervention, everything will be only in our favour, the truth will prevail. We will be with each other very soon come what may and live together forover my Baby girl.”
Furthermore, Sukesh also made a promise to arrange a special pooja arthi for both of them at Ma Vaishno Devi Temple and Mahakaleshwar Temple.
He further added, “Baby on the 9th day I am organising a special pooja arthi for you and me, on our names at Ma Vaishno Devi Temple and Mahakaleshwar Temple. Baby trust me, we are gonna have the last laugh as all those who have laughed, underestimated and been judgemental about you and me are gonna have no face to show very soon as the time has come for the moment of truth. The victory is gonna be ours baby. The world is gonna see it now, none of the charges will come out to be true against us, all of it is gonna fall flat. Baby the countdown has begun, you don’t have to be worried about anything. I am here to have your back and protect you my Honey Poo.”
Chandrasekhar concluded the letter by stating, “I would let even a single scratch on you anymore. Baby no ‘cage’ in this world can stop me loving you and protecting you and standing up for you. Baby I know how much you love me at the same time you know my baby I live for you, I would kill for you, I would die for you. Baby you are my lifeline. Cant wait to come and hold you tight. Love you like crazy my baby, my tigress, my shakthi.”
Sukesh Chandrashekhar is now in Tihar Jail because he is suspected of being involved in a big case where he tried to get 200 crore rupees from someone illegally. He is also accused of doing dishonest things like forgery, trying to take money from others forcefully, and illegal money transactions in many other important cases.
Jacqueline Fernandez gives a glimpse of her rehearsals with Varun Dhawan, Shahid Kapoor and Tiger Shroff ahead of their performance in Doha