Shalini Pandey, who made her big Bollywood debut with Ranveer Singh starrer ‘Jayeshbhai Jordaar‘, has wrapped up the shooting of her second film ‘Maharaj‘. It will see her share screen space with Aamir Khan’s son, Junaid Khan, who will make his debut with it.
In an interview with News18, Shalini Pandey shared her experience of working with Junaid. The actress shared that Junaid is a very easy breezy human being. He’s a good co-actor to work with.
Elaborating further, Shalini added that she had a lot of fun working with him. The actress said that they were in the same age group, so they had a blast during the shoot. The actress expressed that ‘Maharaj’ is one of Junaid’s first few projects and because she is also fairly new, they had a very similar energy on set.
The actress also acknowledged that the perks a star kid receives, she considers herself lucky for not having to bear the brunt of being an outsider, either in the Telugu film industry, which is largely dominated by film families, or Bollywood.
The actress also expressed that she’s happy with the kind of offers coming her way. According to her, she is somebody who always wanted to be an actor and enjoys being on a set. ‘I love being in front of the camera and a set is my happy place,’ she said. The actress added that after doing an ‘Arjun Reddy’ and a ‘Jayeshbhai Jordaar’, it’s a breather when you do something very different.
For the unversed, Junaid Khan made his debut with theatre in August 2017 with director Quasar Thakore Padamsee’s adaptation of Bertolt Brecht’s ‘Mother Courage and Her Children’, a biting satire on the absurdity of war.
In an interview with News18, Shalini Pandey shared her experience of working with Junaid. The actress shared that Junaid is a very easy breezy human being. He’s a good co-actor to work with.
Elaborating further, Shalini added that she had a lot of fun working with him. The actress said that they were in the same age group, so they had a blast during the shoot. The actress expressed that ‘Maharaj’ is one of Junaid’s first few projects and because she is also fairly new, they had a very similar energy on set.
The actress also acknowledged that the perks a star kid receives, she considers herself lucky for not having to bear the brunt of being an outsider, either in the Telugu film industry, which is largely dominated by film families, or Bollywood.
The actress also expressed that she’s happy with the kind of offers coming her way. According to her, she is somebody who always wanted to be an actor and enjoys being on a set. ‘I love being in front of the camera and a set is my happy place,’ she said. The actress added that after doing an ‘Arjun Reddy’ and a ‘Jayeshbhai Jordaar’, it’s a breather when you do something very different.
For the unversed, Junaid Khan made his debut with theatre in August 2017 with director Quasar Thakore Padamsee’s adaptation of Bertolt Brecht’s ‘Mother Courage and Her Children’, a biting satire on the absurdity of war.
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