Many inside pictures from Khan’s birthday bash were seen going viral on the internet and they were posted by a woman called Fauzia Adeel Butt.She dropped a picture with Deepika and wrote, “So byoodiful, so elegant… just looking like a Waow… just looking like a Waoww! @deepikapadukone.”
Meanwhile, she dropped a picture with Shaheen Bhatt and Alia and wrote, “Posing with Lovlies.”
She also shared a picture with Atlee and said, “The Real Chennai Super King”
But who is this woman? Well as per DNA India, Fauzia is the CEO of FAB Entertainment which is a Qatar-based company that handles celebrity management. It also organises concerts, events in the country.
Her social media profile showcases that her reach is not limited to Bollywood or the film industry. She can be seen posing with sports persons like David Beckham, Lionel Messi, Faf du Plessis, Sania Mirza, and Neeraj Chopra, among others. Last year, during the FIFA World Cup, Fauzia hosted many Indian celebs in Qatar.
Earlier yesterday, she had also dropped a picture with SRK and his manager Pooja Dadlani who share their birthday and wished them.
Other who attended SRK’s party included Karan Johar, Rajkumar Hirani among others.