Shalini Pandey recently joined the bandwagon of celebrities and fans who showered praise on the teaser of the Ranbir Kapoorstarrer. In an interview with News18, Shalini said that she first saw the teaser of ‘Animal’ when Sandeep showed it to her before it got released.She also revealed that she texted the director and even had a chat over it.
Expressing her opinion about the movie, Pandey said that she believes that Sandeep is a very impactful director. According to her, it is not his story or the characters that are amazing but the way he envisions a film and shoots it creates an impact. That’s what also happened with the teaser of Animal.
Animal | Tamil Song – Pogaadhe
She disclosed that she shares a strong bond with the filmmaker and eagerly anticipates the opportunity to be directed by him once more in the near future. The actress also added that she wouldn’t even mind reaching out to him for work in the future.
Despite her Hindi theatrical debut, ‘Jayeshbhai Jordaar,’ not receiving a favorable response from audiences and critics, Shalini remains content with the opportunities coming her way. She expresses her love for being in front of the camera and portraying diverse characters, which invigorates her. She doesn’t easily feel overwhelmed, except on rare occasions when she falls ill during work. Even then, she pushes herself despite feeling fatigued.
On the work front, Shalini is set to appear in the film ‘Maharaj’ alongside Aamir Khan’s son, Junaid Khan, and she also has a web series in the pipeline that features Shabana Azmi.