As she’s celebrating her films success, Katrina had a ‘ask me something’ session today on Instagram.A fan asked her if she copied her towel act from Salman in the song ‘Jeene Ke Hai Char Din’. Katrina reacted to it and said, “@beingsalmankhan aapne towel use kiya hai, maine pehna hai.”
Katrina also shared an unseen picture from the Tiger 3 as fans asked her to share her favourite photo.
When asked about her favourite song in ‘Tiger 3’, Katrina shared a BTS glimpse of ‘Leke Prabhu Ka Naam’.
Tiger 3 also stars Emraan Hashmi who plays a baddie in the movie. The film had crossed around 188 crore at the box office nett at the domestic box office in five days. Meanwhile, it crossed Rs 300 crore gross worldwide in a span of 5 days. On Friday, Salman, Katrina and Emraan interacted with fans at a theatre in the city. Salman and Katrina were seen shaking a leg in front of the fans at the event. Meanwhile, Salman jokingly kissed Emraan Hashmi.
Katrina Kaif’s INTERVIEW On Husband VICKY KAUSHAL, Tiger 3 SUCCESS, Father-In-Law’s REACTION & More