According to a report in, the Maneesh Sharma directorial is likely to collect over Rs 278 crore at the box office on its third Tuesday. The film is likely to mint Rs 2.25 crore nett in India on day 17 for all languages.This will take the film’s total collection to Rs 276.25 crore at the domestic box office.
In addition to Salman and Katrina Kaif, the action-packed thriller ‘Tiger 3’ features Emraan Hashmi in a leading role. The film has achieved a remarkable ₹400.50 crore in global box office earnings within just 10 days of its release. As the third installment of the Tiger franchise, it contributes to the YRF Spy Universe alongside hits like War and Pathaan.
Vicky Kaushal reacts to wifey Katrina Kaif’s towel fight in ‘Tiger 3’, hilariously says ‘I don’t want you to beat me up wearing a towel’
Under the direction of Maneesh Sharma, ‘Tiger 3’ marks the third installment in the Tiger series, following Kabir Khan’s ‘Ek Tha Tiger’ and Ali Abbas Zafar’s ‘Tiger Zinda Hai.’ Salman Khan reprises his role as the titular character, while Katrina Kaif portrays the leading lady, Zoya. In this spy drama’s latest chapter, Emraan Hashmi joins the cast to play the antagonist.
Emraan Hashmi shared with ANI that following the lockdown, he received a call from casting director Shanoo Sharma, suggesting a meeting with Maneesh Sharma for ‘Tiger 3.’ Upon reaching there, Maneesh Sharma inquired about casting an antagonist for the movie. Emraan mentioned that initially, it was challenging for him to accept the role due to the preconceived notion associated with playing an antagonist. However, upon hearing the script, he discovered depth and multiple shades to the character, which he found appealing, leading him to accept the role.
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