As of Wednesday, ‘Animal’ had accumulated a domestic net revenue of Rs 312.96 crore. On its seventh day in theaters, the film exhibited strong occupancy during morning and afternoon shows, resulting in an additional earning of Rs 15.13 crore.This brings the total domestic collection of the film to Rs 328.48 crore. Globally, the movie has amassed a total collection of Rs 527.6 crore within six days, according to T-Series, the production company behind the film.
‘Animal’ marks Ranbir Kapoor’s third film to surpass the Rs 250 crore milestone, following the success of ‘Sanju’ and ‘Brahmastra – Part One: Shiva’ (Rs 257.44 crore). The actor commenced his career with Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Saawariya,’ which did not achieve the desired success. However, he achieved his first Rs 100 crore milestone in 2012 with Anurag Basu’s ‘Barfi.’
Bobby Deol breaks down after paparazzi praise him as ‘Animal’ sets box-office on fire: ‘Feels like a dream’
The success of ‘Animal’ is not only a milestone for Ranbir Kapoor but is also deeply meaningful for Bobby Deol, who delivers a short yet impactful performance in the film. The actor visibly expressed his emotions, being moved by the abundant love and appreciation that the audience has bestowed upon him for his role in the movie.
Animal has a chance to pull more audience in the coming week as there are no major releases. It will only face competition from Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki which will hit the theatres on December 21.