SSukesh Chandrasekhar has been arrested in the money laundering case for which Jacqueline Fernandezwas also summoned. However, Jacqueline has denied any kind of association with the conman, but he continues to write letters to her from Jail. He had recently penned a love letter to her for thanksgiving where he heaped praises on her various looks and also said, ‘looking like a wow’, following the viral IG trend.In these letters, Sukesh refers to her as ‘baby’ and talks about the ‘memories’ with her. However, Jacqueline has now moved tocourt against the conman for these letters calling them ‘unsolicited’ and ‘intimidating‘.
Jacqueline’s advocate, Prashant Patil opined, “Jacqueline Fernandez has been identified as a prosecution witness by the investigation of Delhi Police. The Delhi Police has filed a charge sheet against Sukesh Chandrasekhar, he is the main accused. Now Jacqueline is a prosecution witness against Sukesh Chandrasekhar according to the Delhi Police. She has also deposed her statement under section 164 CRPC before the Honourable Delhi Courts. Now when she is a witness, she needs to be protected by the investigating agencies. Sukesh Chandrasekhar allegedly has been writing certain unsolicited letters when he is sitting behind the bars for the last one year. These letters are addressed to Jacqueline which are intimidating, threatening and unsolicited. This has created an atmosphere of intimidation and threat for Jacqueline.”
Patil further called his client innocent and said that she’s left with no choice but to go to court. He said, “Jacqueline is an innocent victim and has been conned by Sukesh. Now, she was not left with any choice, but she filed a complaint before the Delhi Police in January 2023 against Sukesh, but the Delhi Police did not act upon it. She moved a complaint before the National Commission for Women, National Human Rights Commission and so also the Superintendent of Jail at Mandoli Jail and Tihar Jail. Inspite of repeated complaints filed before the statutory authorities, nobody came to her rescue. Jacqueline was not left with any other option but had to move a complaint before the Honourable Delhi Court.”
The advocate also revealed the Sukesh had the audacity to send her unsolicited messages on the screen of the video call even when they had an online video conference with the Honourable Judge. “Until and unless jail officials are handing gloves with Sukesh, such kind of conduct won’t be possible. This is an extremely serious and sensitive matter and that’s why we had to argue this before the Honourable Delhi Court.”
The court has given the date of January 17, 2024 to hear this entire argument and give its final orders.
Jacqueline’s advocate, Prashant Patil opined, “Jacqueline Fernandez has been identified as a prosecution witness by the investigation of Delhi Police. The Delhi Police has filed a charge sheet against Sukesh Chandrasekhar, he is the main accused. Now Jacqueline is a prosecution witness against Sukesh Chandrasekhar according to the Delhi Police. She has also deposed her statement under section 164 CRPC before the Honourable Delhi Courts. Now when she is a witness, she needs to be protected by the investigating agencies. Sukesh Chandrasekhar allegedly has been writing certain unsolicited letters when he is sitting behind the bars for the last one year. These letters are addressed to Jacqueline which are intimidating, threatening and unsolicited. This has created an atmosphere of intimidation and threat for Jacqueline.”
Patil further called his client innocent and said that she’s left with no choice but to go to court. He said, “Jacqueline is an innocent victim and has been conned by Sukesh. Now, she was not left with any choice, but she filed a complaint before the Delhi Police in January 2023 against Sukesh, but the Delhi Police did not act upon it. She moved a complaint before the National Commission for Women, National Human Rights Commission and so also the Superintendent of Jail at Mandoli Jail and Tihar Jail. Inspite of repeated complaints filed before the statutory authorities, nobody came to her rescue. Jacqueline was not left with any other option but had to move a complaint before the Honourable Delhi Court.”
The advocate also revealed the Sukesh had the audacity to send her unsolicited messages on the screen of the video call even when they had an online video conference with the Honourable Judge. “Until and unless jail officials are handing gloves with Sukesh, such kind of conduct won’t be possible. This is an extremely serious and sensitive matter and that’s why we had to argue this before the Honourable Delhi Court.”
The court has given the date of January 17, 2024 to hear this entire argument and give its final orders.