In the video, Ranbir took his seat at the table alongside Zahan Kapoor who was seen pouring alcohol over the pudding. Ranbir, who was seen holding a lighter in his hand, lit it up and said, “Jai mata di,” leaving his family laughing out loud. The video concludes with Kunal Kapoor taking charge to cut the dessert.
Everyone from Karisma Kapoor to Navya Naveli Nanda has been taking to social media to share family photos on their handles. The photos saw the family taking turns to pose with each other. Everyone from Samaira and Kiaan, Randhir Kapoor, Rima Jain, Neila Devi, and Babita Kapoor, among others, were spotted at the celebration.
On the occasion of Christmas, Ranbir and Alia sent fans and the paparazzi into a tizzy when they made their first official appearance with daughter Raha, whom they had protected from the spotlight. Raha charmed the paparazzi, fans and social media world at large with her adorable appearance. Her photos soon hit the top trends on social media, with fans comparing her coloured eyes to her great-grandfather, Raj Kapoor, while others compared her cute features to her mother Alia Bhatt.Watch Ranbir-Alia pose with daughter Raha at annual Kapoor Christmas brunch