Recently, the actress shared unseen photos from her wedding, where she can be seen in a red silk saree and Vaibhav in a white kurta-pyjama with a waist coat. The pictures are from the mandap, when the couple were about to take the pheras. Sharing the pictures, Dia wrote, “On this day we cried copiously. Tears of joy and gratitude. May we continue to hold each other in our darkest hours, laugh, love and value the miracles of life. Thank you baby for every single sunrise and sunset we have shared
Happy Anniversary Husband @vaibhav.rekhi #SunsetKeDivane #ThankYouPreeta”
Before their wedding, the couple did not made their relationship official, but it is reported that they met sometime in 2020, and spent the lockdown together, post which they decided to get married. Both Dia and Vaibhav have been married before, and Vaibhav has a daughter from his first wedding.