Bollywood star Aamir Khan met the family of his late ‘Dangal‘ co-star Suhani Bhatnagar‘s parents in Faridabad. Now, a picture from his visit has surfaced on social media.The picture shows Aamir Khan with Suhani’s parents and other members of the family, standing next to her framed picture. The picture depicting the actor and Suhani Bhatnagar’s […]
Read MoreBollywood superstar Aamir Khan paid a visit to the grieving family of the late ‘Dangal‘ actor Suhani Bhatnagar in Faridabad on Thursday evening. Suhani, who portrayed the young Babita Phogat in ‘Dangal,’ passed away at the tender age of 19 due to dermatomyositis, a rare inflammatory condition causing skin rash and muscle weakness.Expressing his condolences, […]
Read MoreSuhani Bhatnagar, known for her portrayal of young Babita Kumari Phogat in the Aamir Khan-led blockbuster film Dangal, passed away on February 16. Real life Babita attended her prayer meet.Check out the photos here:Babita took to Instagram to share two pictures from the prayer ceremony. In the first photo, she can be seen solemnly praying […]
Read MoreChild actress Suhani Bhatnagar, who played the role of young Babita Phogat in Aamir Khan‘s Dangal, tragically passed away on Friday evening in Delhi due to medical complications. According to Bhatnagar’s family, the 19-year-old actor was suffering from dermatomyositis, a rare inflammatory disease that causes skin rash and muscle weakness. Speaking to ANI about her […]
Read MoreThe sudden and untimely demise of 19-year-old actress Suhani Bhatnagar, renowned for her portrayal of the young Babita Phogat in the 2016 blockbuster film ‘Dangal,’ has left the industry and fans in shock.Celebrities and actors have been expressing their condolences on social media, and now Sanya Malhotra, who played the role of Babita Kumari in […]
Read MoreSuhani Bhatnagar, who essayed the role of young Babita Phogat in the Aamir Khan starrer hit film Dangal in 2016, passed away at the age of 19. Commonwealth Games triple medalist and Arjuna Award-winning Olympian, Babita Phogat, has expressed her shock and condoled the death of Suhani. “I feel extremely sad that Suhani Bhatnagar, who […]
Read More‘Dangal‘ director Nitesh Tiwari has expressed shock at the sudden demise of Suhani Bhatnagar, who essayed the role of young Babita Phogat in the Aamir Khan-starrer film. He said it the news is heartbreaking, adding that “she was such a happy soul”. Suhani, who passed away at the age of 19, succumbed to her untimely […]
Read MoreThe industry is mourning the loss of Suhani Bhatnagar, who is known for her role as the young Babita Kumari Phogat in the Aamir Khan starrer Dangal. Suhani passed away on February 16 in Delhi at the age of 19 after succumbing to an adverse reaction to medication during her treatment at the All India […]
Read MoreIn a heart-wrenching turn of events, the film industry mourns the untimely demise of Suhani Bhatnagar, the talented actress who portrayed the young Babita Phogat in Aamir Khan’s blockbuster film ‘Dangal.’ At the tender age of 19, Suhani’s passing has left a void in the hearts of her fans and colleagues alike. Remembering the talented […]
Read MoreDangal actress Suhani Bhatnagar’s demise shocked many, including her Dangal co-actor Zaira Wasim. Both Zaira and Suhani played younger versions of wrestlers Geeta Phogat and Babita Phogat and shared the maximum screen space together. Zaira while talking to Bombay Times, said, “I just read about it and I still cannot get my head around it. […]
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